I’m Looking for Help from Pastors

From the very beginning of this blog post, let me be upfront. I’m looking for help. Let me explain.

I’ve written a book to help pastors in the job-search process. The book does not exist yet, not officially anyway. This is where you come in. For the next few months I’m recruiting 50 pastors and other thoughtful Christians to comment on the manuscript and to spend time with me on the phone about their own job-search experience. As you can see from above, right now I’m 26 interviews short of my goal.

In exchange for the 30-minute phone interview and your comments on the manuscript, I'll send you a free copy of the book. You can click here to sign up. It takes just a few seconds.

And if you are not a pastor, but you know someone who is in full-time ministry, PLEASE share this post with him or her.

One last thing. I’m not just asking you to do this work for some selfish goals of mine. I’m asking you to share a gospel vision. This book began with the belief that helping pastors transition effectively from one church to another would, in turn, help churches be healthier. And the love of God spreads across the earth through healthy churches. Together, let’s help this book play its part in God’s grand purpose of loving more people.

To get a copy of the book, click here.