A Book for the Church
If you’ve been around the church for any length of time, you’ve probably experienced hurt, whether from leaders or fellow members. We understand; most of us have scars too. But the local church is the bride of Christ and God’s plan to bless the world. These eclectic essays highlight many of those blessings, from how local churches have faithfully cared for the children of divorced parents to the many ways the body of Christ lifts our eyes from our morbid introspection—all while highlighting the wonderful truth that, through all the sin and sorrow, Jesus continues to build his church.
The preorder of the ebook is available at Amazon. Paperback coming soon.
I’ve written for Desiring God, The Gospel Coalition, Christianity Today, 9Marks, Gospel-Centered Discipleship, For The Church, and many other publications.
The reports of the death of blogs have been greatly exaggerated.
I asked a few dozen Christian bloggers to answer whether they think blogs are dead, bloggers such as Trevin Wax, Jen Oshman, and Alisa Childers. You’ll be encouraged by their answers.
Blogging may have changed, but it’s certainly not dead.
Recent Posts
A Video Series for Men
I created a 10-day video series to help men struggle against porn. Also included with the videos is a free ebook called 50 Questions for Accountability Meetings, which gives you tons of questions to consider as you struggle against lust and pornography.
A Book for Pastors
In the last 15 years, many books have been written to help a church navigate the job-search process.
But only one book has been written to help pastors: Don’t Just Send a Resume: How to Find the Right Job in a Local Church.
The book features short contributions by 12 published authors and ministry leaders, including: Chris Brauns, Cara Croft, Dave Harvey, David Mathis, J. A. Medders, Sam Rainer, Chase Replogle, William Vanderbloemen, Kristen Wetherell, Jared C. Wilson, and Jeremy Writebol.
Available for sale at Amazon.
I worked with Gospel-Centered Discipleship to collect a team of gifted writers to reflect on the beauty of the bride of Christ. The book launches today.